Wednesday, 8 April 2015

OCM: The Oil Cleansing Method

Around two weeks ago, I ended up in the dark part of YouTube. C'mon, we've all been there. Anyways I remember I saw a video titled The Oil Cleansing Method and curiosity got the better of me, so watched it. Apparently loads of people in the blogger world has been raving about this!

The concept of OCM, is weird but wonderful. I never would've thought about putting oil onto my skin (where I have an Oily T-Zone but dry everywhere), and was pretty sceptical about doing it. I decided I would read further into it. Basically, oil breaks down oil that is already on your face or something like that, it does sound pretty silly, but there is some science to it all.
 Of the reviews which I had read, most of them were positive with them saying the cleansing had done wonders to their skin. A small percentage were pretty negative and said their skin had reacted dreadfully to the oils.
I really was at a lost, I was just about done with having disgusting blackheads covering my face (exaggeration.),so I decided to throw caution to the wind and just do it.

For the OCM to use Castor Oil(my HG product) and another oil such as Jojoba oil, Sunflower oil, Olive Oil, etc. *From my readings about OCM, don't use Coconut oil as this just blocks pores, due to it turning back into solid form once it has cooled.*
The Castor Oil is a thick oil that can be used orally in order to *ahem* clear you out internally...meaning the oil is incredibly strong. As it is pretty strong, you should only use a small amount of it in your blend. For my blend I use roughly 30% Castor Oil and 70% vegetable oil but you just need to mess around with the properties until you've found one that works well.
(Found of Google images. Belongs to-Hildablue)


Mix your oil blend together and using clean hands massage the oil all over your skin for around 5 minutes. Then, place a hot face cloth on your face and leave on for 1 minute. Using the same cloth, wipe all the oil from your face. Alternatively I steam my face with a bowl of hot water just tom loosen the oil and wipe off the oil with cotton pads. You do not need to put moisturiser on your face as there will be some remaining oil on your face.

Your face might go through a bad patch when you start the cleansing, this is down to your skin not being used to having so much oil on it. I swear by this cleansing, my skin is so much smoother and I had very rough skin on my nose due to the amount of blackheads I had. I still have some, but definitely not as many as I had before I started the method. My skin just looks so much more cleaner now than it was two weeks ago.
Give it a try. Its much more healthier than using typical cleansers, just think of them amount of ingredients in those!


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